WHILE TWITTER IS great and wonderful and life-changing and all that, it has bred a whole new way of being mind-blowingly annoying.
We are in no way saying that we’re not guilty of these things ourselves. But we’re all better than this. All of us.
There is no subtle way of calling someone out, even without naming names, on Twitter. Everybody knows. Everybody. And they’re hating you for it.
The practise of favouriting a tweet in which you are openly criticised, or favouriting a sub-tweet you just KNOW is about you.
The Twitter equivalent of saying “YEAH WELL YER MA” to an insult.
Tweet-vomiting your bad date or your night out or your doctor’s visit or your breakup – it’s cathartic, yes, but get a blog or tell your mam or your dog or anyone, anyone but your followers.
You want to let people know you’re a big deal, but you want to be cool about it, too.
Tweeting or retweeting inspirational quotes
It’s annoying on Facebook, so it’s only logical that it would also be annoying on Twitter.
This can also be a form of sub-tweeting, and is most likely accompanied by an unacceptable amount of hashtags. Speaking of which…
Too many hashtags
#girl #ireland #pink #friends #bestfriends
What could this possibly ACHIEVE? Please. We don’t understand.
Hashtagging unnecessary words
There’s too many hashtags, and then there’s hashtagging random words within your sentence.
One big long hashtag that’s impossible to read
Now please. That’s just not fair.
Addressing Twitter at large
We see you there, joke-stealer. We know you saw that on your travels around the internet and took it for your own. You can’t sit with us.
Putting the dot before someone’s name in a reply
This is not the worst thing, we concede. But when it’s done specifically to highlight how funny or insightful you think you’re being in a reply to a semi-private conversation, it’s awful.
“Thanks for the follow @newfollower”
Just unnecessary.
Yes. That’s right. Don’t even go there.